Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Bhaiya

Wedding Anniversary for Bhaiya

Wedding or Marriage anniversary celebration of your brother is like a celebration of festival for you and your family. On this auspicious occasion you are in search of special wishes, messages and quotes that you can send to your brother. As this day come after taken a round of 360 degree of a year you never want to miss the opportunity to show your love and affection for your Bhaiya and Bhabhi, to respect your feeling and keep your emotions in mind we have written this post. It is a collection of some unique, warm and full of care. You can pick these wishes and share on any social media platform like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram or you can also pick and send it as a personal text message and emails. Another beautiful way to put it on Greeting card that keeps the essence of your feeling long-lasting in the memory of your Bhaiya and Bhabhi.

Happy Wedding Anniversary or Marriage Anniversary Wishes to Bhaiya

Happy wedding anniversary brother, may your knot with a beautiful lady always shower of blessing from God, enjoy your very special day with your love as it come again after waiting long 365 days. May you remain happy and smiley in your life like ever.

We are so glad, you add up a wonderful and kind hearted lady in our family, she is one of the most precious gift for our family, if we were search a lift partner for you I am sure we can’t find better for you than my lovely Bhabhi. Wish you a very happy wedding anniversary.

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Dear brother, sorry for not to brought any gift on your anniversary but I am presenting my warm wishes to both of you, I wish you enjoy the company of bhabhi and set a benchmark for other husbands how you give a space and comfort zone to your wife. Happy wedding anniversary brother.

Happy wedding anniversary to my responsible, talented, loving and wise brother, before tied a knot with Bhabhi you were only brother of your siblings and son of your parents. Now you become a responsible husband too, I am very happy to see how you have taking a very good care of your wife. God bless both you a very happy and blissful life.

Dear brother, you are very strong and mean your commitments, you are a man with his own words not like others just to do showoff nothing else. Bhabhi is so lucky to have you as her husband in her life. Wish you a very happy wedding anniversary. Enjoy your day with an extremely beautiful and gorgeous lady she is your wife.

Wedding Anniversary or Marriage Anniversary Wishes to Bhaiya and Bhabhi

Marriages are made in heaven and it perfectly fits on both of you, I am so impressed about the maturity and understanding between both of you. May the love and charm for each other remains and consistent in your life. Happy wedding anniversary to both of you.

To knot in a relation called marriage is not only a relation between husband and wife but along with that there so many other relations are tied up with you. I am so proud to both of you that you have handled your each and every relation very delicately and decorate it love and care. Happy wedding anniversary Bhaiya and Bhabhi.

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Happy wedding anniversary to the funniest couple in our family, I have never seen both of you sad, you both enjoy every single moment in your life, you guys are very lively. I wish every couple should be like you, so that many of the relation will not break. You both have a very good sense of humor must say you both truly made for each other. Blast your anniversary party like you are doing always.

Marriage is a pledge, a devotion, a commitment and a knot of love and sacrifices, you both successfully fulfilled all the expectations from your marriage life. All the family members being so proud on both you how you respect elders and give your affection to your youngers. Happy wedding anniversary my cutest Bhaiya and Bhabhi.

Dear Bhaiya and Bhabhi, wish you a very happy wedding anniversary, enjoy one more year of madness for each other, You love and faith for each other is admirable. Though it’s your 10th [year] of your marriage but the essence and adventure in your marriage life is still same like in your 1st marriage anniversary.  God bless to both you stay happy, healthy and joyful in your life ahead.

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